Resolve Msvcr100.dll Problems

In case you have been browsing some frequent Windows errors we're sure you have seen this error message on every single list. The MSVCR100.dll error normally shows up right after a Windows system cleaning or when the computer user installs a certain software.

The typical error message is easy to fix it, as all that you should do is install a software package which takes care of the absent DLL file and resolves the issue.
I'll show you this complete process step by step.

NOTE: The following tutorial works well with All recent versions of Windows so the edition you're using will not be a concern, we have taken into account of everyone’s requirement.

Rather than the MSVCR100.DLL error you might have got the MSVCR80.DLL error message in some cases, and therefore you're lucky simply because both these problems can be solved with the exact same technique.

According to once you begin fixing some personal computer problems like this one, it's always a smart idea to know what are you truly doing. Whether you are running the 64 bit and / or 32 version as the software pack we will be downloading comes in diverse ranges for many different system versions and if they don’t match up that is not going to get the job done.

If you are certain about which type you're running then proceed to a new step.

1. Feel free to use the computer keys shortcut by pushing the Windows key and the C button simultaneously.
2. Then choose Settings, and after that you will click on PC info.
3. Another strategy to open it up is usually to choose the start button (if you are using microsoft windows 8.1 or 7) to go to the start navigation and look for PC info and also hit enter for the first result.
4. Within the PC info windowpane check out the information line termed system type with the structure of the windows os.

Now, you can be positive that you are going to download and install the proper type of Microsoft C Redistributable Package.